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mint fitness

mint fitness - Personal Training in our private studio Brighton

Want to lose fat, strengthen and tone your body quickly and effectively?
Mint Fitness is a personal training studio in Brighton, mint health and fitness offering private, one to one training, small group training, goal setting, weight management, mentoring and customized nutrition counseling.

Our years of mint health and fitness experience have led to a winning formula - a combination of high intensity training and plan clear and concise plan that is easy to follow. mint fitness The result is excellent result - see our success stories page for more condition fitness

Our training programs are suitable for men and women of all ages interested in:
Strength, fat loss, improve body composition
The confidence, body mint health and fitness awareness mint fitness
Easy to carry and not very coordinated effort-based training, or skill-based
Who wants to exercise safely and does not insist on the joints
Effectiveness last 

A workout that produces all the benefits of exercise: strength and muscular endurance, flexibility and cardiovascular health mint fitness
Proper twelve fifty-nine guidance, motivation and coaching
If you are looking for a personal trainer in mint condition fitness Brighton, it is useful to examine the different methods and protocols mint health and fitness for the training offered and work on what fits your own objectives and mint fitness time considerations. 

Your first visit
At first, mint mint health and fitness fitness we have a consultation to establish your main goal - it could be something to lose fat around the middle, the rehabilitation of the damaged knee, improve posture after receiving hardcover. mint condition fitness We are also going through a health mint fitness questionnaire and assessment. Your coach will work then the best workout plan for you, we will immediately begin to plan a tailor and an exercise program that is geared towards achieving results quickly.

What exactly is high intensity exercise?
"High intensity training" can refer to a number of different exercise protocols using short bursts of intense exercise. mint health and fitness We specialize in a form of high intensity exercise - progressive resistance program, where the weights rise slowly with good technique. In the example video below, mint fitness you can see examples of two years - the row of seats and leg press, carried out using a protocol to hit where the weights are lifted with a second rate of 10 (10 seconds on lifting or " positive ", 10 seconds back or" negative ")
These are made of a complete set, which lasts approximately 1-3 minutes, mint health and fitness until the learner can not move the weight. mint fitness A typical session consists of five or six exercises that cover the entire body. They are easy to make and requires a high level of effort and concentration to perform effectively:

The weight and the amount used time under load (TUL) is saved with each session in order to gradually increase the resistance in each session.

There is an inverse relationship between the intensity and volume of exercise, mint health and fitness a person can perform. mint fitness The more intense the exercise, the less time you can do for and to avoid overloading the body, workouts should be short.

What benefits can you expect from high-intensity training?
Optimizing  cardiovascular health (without long training sessions boring "cardio")
Proper Exercise Biomechanics
Reverse Aging
Fat Loss
Build bone density, mint fitness muscle mass, strength
Reduce back pain
Improve insulin sensitivity mint condition fitness
Increase energy levels, improve confidence and mental wellbeing
Improve posture and strengthen your back straight (ideal for office workers related)

What is interval training high intensity?
High Intensity Interval Training (HIT) is another form of mint fitness training exercises that use traditional "cardio", mint health and fitness like sprinting or cycling, and is divided into intervals - an intense burst of torque anaerobic work with a rest period (for example - fast traffic on a stationary bike for 20 seconds, rest 10 seconds and repeat 8 times) 

This type of training has gained popularity for studies such as the Tabitha Protocol - and the results show significant benefits you get with a workload relatively short time. mint fitness We use HIT and depending on your goals. Day an hour or marathon training long special class behind!

High intensity exercise safe?
The HIT type of exercise we offer is one of the safest methods available training. When the weights are lifted slowly, mint fitness you come to a fairly quick fatigue - and towards the end of a year when you're still weight slowly, you are, in fact, mint health and fitness the weakness of the injury.

People with mint fitness back pain and past injuries often worry about starting a new exercise program, and rightly so. There is a huge amount of exercise that you can select. However, any exercise that involves force (force = mass x acceleration) increases the risk of injury. Our style HIT reduces forces as much as possible, mint fitness giving you the opportunity to train hard every week without having to worry about the injury. It is also an ideal method if you are concerned about previous injuries.

All training and exercises are recorded by her personal trainer to show you how each workout fitness 

How often mint fitness should I train for best results?

It depends on your personal situation and goals. We have had clients that have obtained excellent results very short, mint fitness short training done once a week. Other clients prefer to train more often. Some people recover faster than other exercise classes, allowing them to train more often.

If your goal is to lose weight or gain muscle and have never taken a measurement exercise and diet before, we recommend an intensive plan to go.
The option you choose, mint fitness you will achieve your goals once you begin to practice regularly.

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