la fitness orange ca -5 Reasons for lunch
Most schools are trying to improve their lunch programs and to provide the best food possible. But not all attractive cafeteria offers healthy food options. la fitness orange ca Ask it comes to what the cafeteria has to offer. For example, did you know chicken nuggets have more fat and calories than regular hamburger?
Even if your school offers healthy choices, it can be very easy to give in to temptation and choose a less healthy choice when you feel really hungry. How to take control? la fitness orange ca Take a packed lunch to school!
Here are the top 5 reasons to pack your lunch - and snacks - at least twice a week:
1. Control. Ever wait in line for lunch only to find when you arrive early you do not like what they serve? So you get to eat pizza again. la fitness orange ca A healthy lunchbox lets you avoid the lunch line (and temptation). Bring your lunch also can control exactly what goes into the food you eat.
Two. Variety. It does not hurt to give in and enjoy the occasional slice of pizza and hot dogs. But if you eat these foods all the time, your body probably feels ready for a change. la fitness orange ca A packed lunch once or twice a week means you can enjoy some favorites that you can not find in all schools - like a thermos of hot soup her mother chicken, hummus and pita bread, or some farm stands Apple net.
Three. Energy. If you have a great game or activity after school, organize a lunch and snacks that combine lean protein with carbohydrates to give sustainable energy and keep playing in the afternoon. Some ideas: la fitness orange ca your own mix of "track" of nuts or sunflower seeds, whole grain crackers and low fat cheese or a bag of carrots and yogurt sauce.
April. Cash. Packing healthy if you do not feel tempted to step off campus for a fast food lunch, or striking the machine or convenience store distributor chocolate la fitness orange ca sodas and snacks! Put the money you save on these cases aside.
May. That warm and fuzzy feeling. la fitness orange ca Remember when your mom or dad used to pack your lunch? Pack your lunch retro, with healthy versions of your old favorites - like PBS & J on whole wheat bread.
You pack or eat in the cafeteria, it is important that you make healthy choices. If you fear that the cafeteria does not offer enough healthy choices, la fitness orange ca participate in the attempt to make changes. Ask a teacher or someone in food service for advice on getting started. la fitness orange ca
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