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does honey and cinnamon work for weight loss - Honey and Cinnamon For Weight Loss - Does it Really Work?

does honey and cinnamon work for weight loss

Over the Internet and the media, does honey and cinnamon work for weight loss there is a huge hype about the new miracle cure for weight loss ", honey and cinnamon for weight loss." But does it really work? Or is it just a fad? Being an expert in nutrition and food for many years, I decided to get to the bottom of this! What does honey and cinnamon work for weight loss I found may surprise you.

First, look at what is suggested. The recipe is simple. You should combine a teaspoon of honey and one teaspoon of cinnamon in a cup of boiling water. He suggests drinking half the glass, half an hour before breakfast. And you eat half of this section, does honey and cinnamon work for weight loss a half hour before going to sleep at night. That's it!

Claims will just do the same and do not make other changes in your routine and your diet, you can expect to lose 3-5 pounds in a week. It is said that honey and cinnamon, actually prevent your body does honey and cinnamon work for weight loss from storing fat!

Unfortunately, practitioners of this "honey and cinnamon for weight loss" idea, offer no clear scientific explanation of why it should work.

Here scientific analysis ...

Cinnamon: In fact, does honey and cinnamon work for weight loss cinnamon is the weight loss benefits. It has been shown by scientific studies that cinnamon helps reduce bad cholesterol and blood sugar. does honey and cinnamon work for weight loss A reduction in blood sugar helps increase insulin levels, which in turn prevents the body from storing fat. So we know that cinnamon helps challenge of losing weight.

Honey: There is no doubt that honey is good for health. In fact, people who have tried this idea "honey and cinnamon", does honey and cinnamon work for weight loss report feeling more energetic. This fits perfectly in the fact that honey is a "simple sugar", which is very easy for the body to process and release energy. But honey has the opposite effect that cinnamon. Increases levels of blood sugar.

Therefore, it is not clear from the scientific standpoint, does honey and cinnamon work for weight loss how this "honey and cinnamon for weight loss" idea could really work. But there are still people out there who say it has helped. Unless a serious scientific study done on the subject, to draw conclusions would be useless. So if you want to try, go ahead! If this does not help, you probably do not hurt! But there are better and faster does honey and cinnamon work for weight loss ways to lose weight there.

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