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Why Buy Multi Trip Annual Travel Insurance

If you are like the majority of Brits, you are probably barely considering the option of purchasing holiday insurance. In fact, chances are you might be unaware of how this option could benefit you. And if you are new to travel insurance, you might assume that it would be best to purchase it for a single trip. After all, you only travel so often. Why pay for it more than necessary? However, there are many benefits to purchasing multi trip annual travel insurance - especially if you plan on taking more than one trip this year.
What Is Multi Trip Annual Travel Insurance?
In case you don't know, the following is a brief explanation of a multi trip policy. Basically, it is a holiday insurance policy that covers you and your party (if you have one) for the period of a year. Individuals, families, couples, and groups all take out this policy and many prefer it over the single trip insurance policies.
One of the best benefits of this policy is flexibility. You do not have to plan a trip in advance to have travel insurance. If you want to be spontaneous and take a holiday tomorrow, you are covered. Holidays, breaks, vacations, romantic getaways - you name it - are all covered under the annual travel insurance policy. When you take out the policy you are covered for multiple trips that you might take within a year.
Cost Savings
In addition, you actually save money with this policy. If you take 2 or more holidays a year, it is most likely cheaper to have a multi trip annual policy than it would be to pay for insurance per trip. However, it is important to make sure that the policy fits in with the details and activities that fall in line with the types of trips that you would normally take. This way you can ensure that you are covered and will not have any issues if you need to take out a claim.
Talk To an Agent
If you are a frequent traveler, you might want to talk with an agent today about a multi trip annual travel insurance policy. It could save you money on your holiday insurance. Call today and find out what policy would be best for you.
This article was written by Ashley Gilmour on behalf of who offer Annual Travel Insurance Ireland.

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