If you are losing your hair, you are not alone: Hair loss affects an average of four in seven men. There are two positives when it comes to hair loss for men nowadays: 1) A shaved head has become a desirable, sexy and masculine style many women find attractive and 2) There are many treatments for growth products out there that actually work.
Understanding the Causes of Hair Loss
Male pattern baldness or Alopecia is caused when the natural process which allows hair follicles to shrink and regenerate stops. As follicles naturally shrink they go into the Catagen stage in which follicles shrink before entering the Telogen stage, where the hair follicle takes a rest. In the case of alopecia the follicle shrinks completely and does not come back into action as it should in the normal cycle. When your hair is following the usual course 90 percent of your follicles should be in the Anagen or growth stage. If you have Alopecia your follicles remain in the Telogen stage resulting in a receding hair line which forms a thin U-shaped line of hair from the temples to the back of the head. Alopecia can be treated very effectively using hair treatment for growth products.
Other Causes of Hair Loss in Men
There are many other causes for hair loss in men including:
• Telogen effluvium, sudden hair loss, is another cause for loss in males, which is often caused by extreme stress. Extreme stress can cause your body to go into shock inhibiting many of the body's natural functions including hair growth.
• Vitamin and Mineral deficiencies can also cause loss and most common issues are caused when you don't have enough iron, Vitamin B Complex and Protein. A healthy diet can assist in avoiding hair loss due to these deficiencies.
• Medication can cause loss as well such as anti-thyroid medications, anti-convulsants (for epilepsy), anti-coagulants, beta-blockers. Treatments such as chemotherapy can also cause loss. Growth will return once the medication or treatment is complete.
• Infections such as ring worm and other fungal growths can cause hair loss which can be stopped once the fungus is treated.
Hair Treatment for Growth Products
The good news is there are many hair treatment for growth products that have had excellent, proven results for hair regrowth including:
• ProVia, a scalp treatment for men and women that uses procapil to improve hair root health.
• Provillus, which provides a targeted hair treatment for growth for men and another for women.
• Profollica, proven to reduce hair loss in men by 90 percent by awakening dormant hair follicles.
If you are experience male pattern baldness, do not despair. Any of these hair treatment for growth products will help get you regrow a full head of hair. Check them out at http://hairtreatmentforgrowth.com.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Gayle_M_McLeod
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